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Faith and Business: Embracing God’s Timing for Entrepreneurial Success

#businessgrowth #christianbusiness #christianentrepreneur #divineguidance #entrepreneurialspirit #entrepreneurialsuccess #entrepreneurshipjourney #faithandbusiness #faithbased #faithfulbusinessowners #faithinaction #faithjourney Apr 25, 2024

If you’re a Christian entrepreneur, you know the thrill of building a business that reflects your faith.  There’s immense satisfaction in pouring your passion, skills, and beliefs into something that serves a higher purpose. 

But what happens when God nudges you in a direction that seems at odds with the business you’ve carefully built? This dilemma is more common than you might think.

In this episode, we’ll unpack the sometimes confusing, but always transformative, experience of a faith-based business pivot. Through Rochelle Mason’s compelling story, you’ll discover the profound blessings that await when you choose obedience over earthly notions of success. 

Rochelle’s Journey: From Business Owner to University Position

Rochelle always had that entrepreneurial spark. She shared, “I grew up hearing about incorporations and Dun and Bradstreet and all these different things as a kid.” She started babysitting businesses, gift-wrapping businesses – she was a hustler from a young age! But Rochelle also felt this pull toward ministry and found herself balancing a full-time job with her part-time consulting business.

One day, everything changed. Rochelle remembers, “And then the Lord started dealing with me about leaving that comfy, cushy position. And it was 2018, I believe, when he started really dealing with me about that…. I was in a really, really rough patch, very, I started having panic attacks...I was like, ‘Okay, and so Wednesdays were really slow for us’. So that was an easy transition. And then I really started getting more focused on my relationship with God at that time, and then that’s when he started guiding me to leave that position.”

But leaving wasn’t the end of the story. God had more in mind. Rochelle went to a women’s meeting and heard a prophecy that sent chills down her spine: “God is saying to someone in here, leave your job and start your business.” Rochelle says, “I knew it was me. My head went down immediately.” With multiple confirmations, she took the leap and launched her business.

As Rochelle embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, she experienced both highs and lows. While she found fulfillment in helping clients and building her consulting business, she also faced challenges, particularly during the pandemic when business began to dry up.

The Drying Up and the ‘Shut it Down’ Moment

For four years, Rochelle’s consulting thrived. But then, things changed. “The business started to dry up, like I wasn’t making any money hardly... I felt that drying up and then I started, started praying, and I’m like, ‘Okay, Lord, are you wanting me to go back into the workforce? Or like, what do you want me to do?’”

Then came the moment that rocked her world. Rochelle was driving and praying, asking God for a strategy when she recalls, “He immediately spoke back to me, and he said, ‘shut it down.’ And my reaction was one, ‘excuse me.’ And then I was like, ‘This gotta be the devil.’”

Like the good daughter of God she is, Rochelle wasn’t about to close shop on a whim. “I need three confirmations... And left it alone.”  And guess what? She got those confirmations, including a life-changing encounter with the president of her university that perfectly matched the direction God had been whispering. Soon after, she was offered a full-time position.

Following the closure of her business, Rochelle found herself at a crossroads, unsure of what the future held. However, through prayer and discernment, God revealed a new path for her—one that led to a full-time position at Ridgemont Graduate University.

In this new role, Rochelle discovered a sense of fulfillment and purpose she had not experienced before. Surrounded by a supportive community and guided by God’s hand, she found joy and contentment in embracing this new season of her life.

Learning to Flow, Healing, and True Joy

Rochelle emphasizes that success isn’t always just about money. “Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, I, being a consultant, is oftentimes a one-man was also kind of lonely. And I just, I needed more of that.” God knew what she needed, not only for growth but for healing too.

The God Plan vs. The Coach Plan

We’re bombarded with coaches saying “do this, build that,” but it’s different when you’re building on God’s plan. “Sometimes that means you gotta leave your house... go to a place that He will show you.”

As Rochelle gracefully transitions into a new chapter of her entrepreneurial journey, she shares profound insights that resonate with faith-based entrepreneurs seeking guidance. Rochelle emphasizes the importance of prioritizing time with Jesus above all else. She encourages entrepreneurs to make their spiritual connection a non-negotiable aspect of their daily routine, similar to scheduling any other essential appointment. By treating God as their CEO and themselves as His devoted employees, entrepreneurs can infuse their businesses with divine wisdom and direction.

Consulting God as Your CEO

Rochelle advocates for a deeply personal approach to business management by consulting God on every decision. She suggests viewing one’s business as a sacred offering to God, seeking His guidance and direction in all endeavors. Through daily communication and a willingness to listen, entrepreneurs can align their business strategies with God’s divine plan, fostering an environment of spiritual growth and empowerment.

Leading with Sparkle

Drawing inspiration from Psalm 23, Rochelle explores the concept of being led with “sparkle” by God. Delving into the Hebrew roots of the text, she discovers a profound revelation: when God leads, He infuses His followers with a radiant energy that sets them apart. This divine guidance not only illuminates their path but also attracts favor and success. By surrendering their business to God’s guidance, entrepreneurs can experience supernatural blessings and divine favor that transcend human understanding.

Walking in Divine Favor

Rochelle shares personal anecdotes of experiencing God’s favor in her business endeavors, recounting moments of supernatural success and inexplicable kindness from others. She attributes these blessings to God’s unwavering presence and guidance, illustrating the tangible impact of abiding in Christ. Through a posture of humility and obedience, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with confidence, knowing that God’s favor surrounds them at every step.

Closing Thoughts

As we wrap up thinking about faith and business, Rochelle’s story really hits home, doesn’t it? It shows what can happen when we truly let God guide our business decisions – even the timing of things.  Christian entrepreneurship has its own unique journey, but our faith is always that guiding light.

We’ve seen how Rochelle’s obedience led her to incredible blessings, even when things weren’t easy. It’s those tough times, those seasons of uncertainty, where faith is our lifeline, right?

The world tells us it’s all about the grind, but Rochelle reminds us that real success – the kind that fills you up – comes from making our businesses match up with God’s purpose.

So, let’s be like Rochelle. Let’s make prayer the foundation of everything we do in business. Imagine if we gave God control of our plans, sought His wisdom... we’d have so much more clarity as entrepreneurs!

And let’s lead with that special ‘sparkle’, that inner light God gives us. It’ll draw the right opportunities and favor our way.  Let’s not forget – God’s timing is always perfect.

Friends, as Christian entrepreneurs, the journey is yours to take. Walk boldly, knowing God’s love and support are there at every turn. Imagine what’s possible when He’s our CEO – the sky’s the limit, and the rewards last forever!

About Rochelle Mason

Rochelle Mason has spent nearly twenty years in ministry and in business, writing, training, counseling, and leading. Writing has been one of her strongest callings, and throughout her career, she has written for ministry publications, magazines, and corporations. Rochelle holds a degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and is the founder of her own consulting firm, The Accomplish Group. Rochelle is a people enthusiast who loves empowering people to grow in their relationship with God so that they can succeed in their everyday lives.

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