Are You Attached to the Wrong Vine?
Apr 04, 2024I always love sharing what’s happening in my world with you, and this past weekend has offered plenty to reflect on. I decided to visit StoneCrest Church in New Jersey while staying with family. It turns out they had the perfect message in store! Their sermon was on John 15 – the very foundation of this whole Abiding CEO project.
The pastor started with, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” That simple phrase hit me differently this time. There’s a true vine, so there must be false ones, right? That’s when I realized how easy it is to get tangled up in the wrong things.
Beware the False Vines of Busy-ness
The hustle and bustle of our daily lives can be all-consuming. We chase goals, success, recognition… it’s easy to forget who we are and what our true purpose is. It’s like Pastor Doug said, we become “just another cog in the machine”. We forget who we are and what truly matters – we get attached to these “false vines,” desperately seeking validation in all the wrong places.
The True Vine: Source of Life and Growth
Jesus, on the other hand, is the true vine. He’s the source of life and nourishment, just like a vine sustains a plant. But when we cling to the wrong things – money, career achievements, even psychology with its ever-changing manuals – we’re those branches withering and dying. They can’t give us the lasting fulfillment we’re looking for.
Finding Secure Attachment: It’s All About Abiding
So, what does it mean to be securely attached to the true vine? It’s about finding that sense of belonging, that feeling of being okay just as you are. It’s about having a safe space where you don’t have to prove anything. This is what we miss when we’re clinging to those false vines.
The Pruning Process: A Necessary (But Sometimes Uncomfortable) Part of Growth
John 15 also talks about pruning. The Bible says, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 15:2).
But the Holy Spirit guided me, gently showing me what needed to change. That’s pruning. It’s tough, but it’s for our benefit. The key is being open to it, not resisting. Otherwise, we stay attached to those dead branches and ultimately fall short.
Here’s another important point: we can’t force growth. Just like you wouldn’t prune a tiny seedling, there’s a right season for everything. When we let God lead, when we ask for His guidance in our businesses and lives, He’ll open the right doors at the right time.
Remember: Your Identity and Worth Come from Above
Being connected to the true vine is where we find our real identity and strength. It doesn’t matter if my businesses went under tomorrow – God’s love wouldn’t change. We serve Him not to earn His love, but because of the incredible love He’s already shown us. Those titles and achievements? They fade. But our connection to God? That’s what truly matters.
Are You Ready to Prune Away the False Vines?
So, the big question I want to leave you with today is: are you attached to a false vine? It’s not an easy question, but facing it honestly might be the first step toward some necessary pruning.
Believe me, I’ve learned this the hard way. That’s why I’m so passionate about the Abiding CEO – to help you avoid some of the stumbles I made.
Exciting Things to Come!
Stay tuned, because I’m working on some amazing resources to help you on your abiding journey. My focus is on abiding and connecting with God, and soon, I’ll be sharing resources that will help you do the same. I’m excited about a set of abiding affirmations I’m working on… more to come on that!
Until then, let’s all strive to remain connected to the true source of life.
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